
#1. What is the diagnosis?
These pseudomembranous lesions and erosions of the tongue, the hard and soft palate, and tonsils are consistent with secondary syphilis.

#2. This patient developed difficulty swallowing following a dental procedure. What is the diagnosis?
The radiograph shows emphysema with prevertebral air in the cervical soft tissues. A high-speed dental drill was implicated.

#3. What is the diagnosis?
This patient was diagnosed with phlegmasia cerulea dolens, an uncommon manifestation of deep vein thrombosis. Unilateral swelling with discoloration makes arterial insufficiency less likely.

#4. What is the diagnosis?
The electrocardiogram shows two QRS complexes with different axes. The patient has a cardiac allograft in addition to his native heart.

#5. What is the diagnosis?
The radiograph demonstrates an intrauterine device in the left upper quadrant, a consequence of migration or uterine perforation.

#6. This patient presented with loss of vision. What is the diagnosis?
Diffuse retinal whitening, constriction of the arteriole and venule with segmentation and a cherry red spot in the macula are most consistent with central retinal artery occlusion.

#7. What is the diagnosis?
The combination of alopecia and pustules is most consistent with tinea barbae.

#8. What is the diagnosis?
The image demonstrates prolapse of orbital fat.

#9. What is the diagnosis?
The finding of bilateral multiple cavitary lesions with air fluid levels is most consistent with multiple pulmonary bacterial abscesses.

#10. This 84-cm tall 40-year-old man underwent whole-body dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. What is the diagnosis?
The image demonstrates scoliosis, a radial orthopedic rod, and fragmentation of the epiphyseal growth plates consistent with osteogenesis imperfecta.